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Eco Tidewater Cleaners

Maids 2 Match

Absolute Shine

Klean Solutions Inc

Perfect Touch Janitorial Services

Real Men Get It Done: Cleaning Services

Strong competition

There are a lot of cleaning businesses out there that provide the same services and advantages. Search for companies that stand out and provide you with extra value. Find a cleaning business that provides exceptional service and value.

Time is money

One of the best advantages of hiring a professional business cleaning or house cleaning service is convenience. When you hire a reliable company to handle vacuuming, dusting, and scrubbing, you'll have more time to focus on critical tasks at work or spending time with your loved ones.

Cleaning industry facts

The price of residential services increased by 9.4% in 2021.

The hourly pay for residential cleaners ranges from $19,370 to $39,140 annually

By 2024, 80% of families will employ residential cleaning services

Since 2011, the cleaning sector has increased by 6.6 percent annually

The cleaning industry and its specialists services will grow to $74,299 million by 2022.

Cleaning services are always in high demand, so business owners will always have some revenue coming in