Useful tips for keeping the house clean

Useful tips for keeping the house clean

Keeping your house clean can be a hassle, but it doesn't have to be. There are a lot of imaginative household tips for maintaining your home that can save you time and nerves. This article, created by, provides some easy and practical ways to clean your house in a short time.

The Importance of Decluttering

The first thing you should do when cleaning is to get rid of the mess. To begin with, put things in their place as soon as you enter the apartment. Everything should have its place. Find a logical place for everything, such as hanging keys next to the exit door and putting coat hangers in the closet. Donate excess clothes and ask yourself if you like an item, have a place to keep it, and if it makes you happy. If you answer yes to all of these, keep the item. If not, it’s time to get rid of it.

The Benefits of a Clean Home

Maintaining a clean home can help our planet and make cleaning easier. The longer you let your home stay dirty, the more you’ll have to use stronger cleaning products and put more effort into cleaning.

Cleaning the Kitchen

The key to a great kitchen is a clean sink. Cleanliness is contagious, so if your sink is spotless, it will be difficult for you to get it dirty. Use a universal spray cleaner or warm vinegar and water to clean most surfaces. Hot water and soapy water are good for cleaning elements, especially handles and other frequently touched areas. Use a microfiber cloth for the best results.

Preventing Dirt Buildup

Preventing dirt buildup is easier than cleaning it later. Prevent dirt buildup after showering by leaving the shower door open to allow air to circulate. Gather shower curtains to one side to improve flow, but don’t forget to spread them out after 20-30 minutes to dry. Wipe tiles and glass doors with a sponge after a hot shower to prevent soap buildup.

Cleaning the Toilet

To keep the toilet bowl clean, mix water and soapy water, such as old shampoo or shower gel, every day. Wipe the board and shell with the mixture, shake the excess into the toilet, and it’s done. If you have male children, keep disinfectant wipes nearby to wipe the board and shell.

Cleaning Tips for Pets

Always have a disposable duster handy to clean up dust. You can wipe it off during commercials on TV.

Pets can be messy, so get special furniture covers and teach the animal to stay on its couch or chair. Use a microfiber cloth or special sponge for pets to clean up pet hair.

Vacuuming Tips

Vacuum the living room and other areas you frequent every day to prevent further damage to hard surfaces. Also, vacuum the dust from books, shelves, lamps, and other less accessible places once a week.

Cleaning the Bedroom

The bedroom can be quite clean if you keep it simple and fluffy. In bedrooms, clutter is usually created by clothes, so put your clothes away and use a laundry basket. Use a lint roller to remove pet hair and dust from bedding.

Cleaning the Stove and Oven

To clean up a dirty stove, use an anti-grease pan screen. Wipe the stove after every cooking. Most new ovens have a self-cleaning function, which only requires you to set the oven to the self-clean function, leave the door open, and wipe away the white powder a few hours later.

Cleaning Tips

When cleaning, don’t wipe immediately after applying the cleanser. Wait two to three minutes for the product to work while you do something else.

By following these household tips, you can keep your house clean with less effort and time. Remember, maintaining a clean home is easier than cleaning a dirty one.


On Key

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