How to Properly Maintain Your Oriental Silk Carpet

How to Properly Maintain Your Oriental Silk Carpet

Oriental silk carpets are valuable and beautiful investments that require proper maintenance to preserve their quality and longevity. Making even the smallest mistake during the maintenance of an oriental silk carpet can permanently damage it. Here are some tips to help you properly maintain your oriental silk carpet and avoid costly mistakes.

Vacuuming Your Silk Carpet

Vacuuming your silk carpet may seem like a simple task, but it can potentially damage your expensive investment. Electric vacuum cleaners with high suction power can harm the sensitive fibers inside the carpet and pull the knots deep into the fabric. To prevent damage to the carpet, use a vacuum cleaner with lower power.

Dry Cleaning Your Silk Carpet

Chemical agents in carpet cleaners can harm the silk carpet’s structure and strength, damage the color of the carpet, and deform the fibers. Most products for washing and cleaning carpets can cause damage, and even water itself can destroy the carpet. Avoid soaking your silk carpet with water. Instead, use a cloth with cold water and a small amount of liquid detergent to clean any stains. Then, vacuum the treated area gently with a low-power vacuum cleaner.

Washing Machine

Never put your silk carpet in the washing machine. The force of the centrifuge will damage the fabric in the depth of the carpet, and the water will destroy the natural sensitive color of the silk carpet. Leave the washing and cleaning of your oriental silk carpets to the professionals at Carpet Service.

Pets on the Carpet

Pets often mark their territory on carpets, and their urine or skin odor can cause stains and odors that are difficult to remove. It’s best to avoid keeping pets on expensive silk carpets and instead use cheaper carpets or rugs. If your pet does have an accident on your silk carpet, follow these steps:

  • Mix half a teaspoon of white vinegar with a liter of water and lightly pour it on the spot. Don’t soak the area.
  • Place dry towels or paper over the spot and put something heavy on top. Leave it for several hours.
  • Remove the towels and use a brush to raise the carpet fibers. If there are still stains, apply some baking soda and wait a few minutes before rubbing it with a brush. After that, vacuum the area gently.

Carpet Cleaning

Carpets get dirty from frequent walking and other activities, so proper cleaning is crucial to maintaining their cleanliness. Here are some tips for carpet maintenance:

  • Vacuum your carpet once a week or more if you have pets.
  • Use the tool on the vacuum cleaner for hard-to-reach places.
  • Use a fleece on the plastic shoe of the vacuum cleaner to pick up even the smallest dust particles.
  • Use shampoo to clean your carpets. Clean them with shampoo foam only and then perform extraction if you have such a vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, vacuum the foam with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

In addition to these maintenance tips, take your silk carpets to a professional washing service once or twice a year to ensure they stay in excellent condition. By following these tips, you can keep your expensive silk carpets looking beautiful and protect them for many years to come.


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